
What you can find in surroundings of pension Kubat

  • Restaurant ARTEX 1min.,other restaurants in city centre 5 - 10 min. on food
  • Supermarket prox. - 150 m from the house
  • City centre of Spindleruv Mlyn prox. - 500 m from the house
  • Hromovka - sv.Petr skiarea prox. - 250 m from the house
  • Sv.Petr and Medvedin skiarea 1 - 2 km from the house
  • Ski bus stop prox. - 50 m from the house (ARTEX); free of charge
  • Aquapark, fitnes, squash, bowling, skittle alley prox. - 300 m from the house
  • Bobslide and monkey park prox. - 800 m from the house
  • Snowtubing Bedřichov - 200 m
  • Summer kids park prox. - 200 m from the house
  • Hradecanka kids skiarea prox. - 200 m from the house
  • Bus station and bus stop to Spindlerova bouda prox. - 400 m from the house
  • SKI and SNB rental in city centre or in skiareas
  • Other services in city centre- pharmacy, police, ATM, mountainrescue, medical service 5 - 10 min. on foot
  • Sledge slide track 5 - 10 min. on foot



20. 07. 2024

Price discounts for summer 2024 - 10%

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